Chronicles of a young woman who left everything behind and moved to a little cabin in the countryside to regain the freedom she had in childhood.

Dance Natalie Rose Dance Natalie Rose

“Me Too” - A Fun, Sassy, and Feminine Dance!

As someone who prefers to live in hiding, embracing my confidence is challenging. However, allowing myself to let loose in my dance classes helps me build confidence in all areas of my life! This is a fun dance to “Me Too” by Meghan Trainor.

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Dance Natalie Rose Dance Natalie Rose

“Start Nowhere” Dance

For me, there is truly no greater freedom than embracing simplicity and minimalism so I can focus on the things that are truly meaningful to me. Sometimes you just gotta “start nowhere” and realize that each day is an opportunity for a fresh start. ♡

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“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

~ Henry David Thoreau