Chronicles of a young woman who left everything behind and moved to a little cabin in the countryside to regain the freedom she had in childhood.

Yoga Natalie Rose Yoga Natalie Rose

Stretching Exercise: Twists to Release the Upper Body

When the body is under chronic stress, the muscles tend to tense up. This can lead to long-term issues like chronic pain. Even short-term tension is not ideal, as it can significantly affect your daily life. This is why managing your stress is so important!

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Yoga Natalie Rose Yoga Natalie Rose

Being a Student of the World

I believe that there is something to learn from every experience and every person I meet. By being intentional in my actions, I have created the space to slow down, be a good listener, and absorb lessons I might have missed while rushing through life and participating in the daily grind.

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Yoga Natalie Rose Yoga Natalie Rose

The Art of the Breath: Preparing for Breathwork

The most powerful tool on my healing journey has been learning to control my breath. For years, my anxiety was so extreme that I could barely take even one deep breath! Now, I can sit for several minutes, calmly focusing on my breathing, and I can meditate for even longer periods as well.

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Yoga Natalie Rose Yoga Natalie Rose

A Meditation: Do Not Be Deceived By Evil

To the complex trauma survivors reading this: I have no doubt that you have faced difficult experiences and perhaps witnessed some of the world’s greatest evils. However, don't let evil deceive you. Goodness always triumphs over evil.

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Yoga Natalie Rose Yoga Natalie Rose

“What If There’s Nothing Wrong With You?” Meditation

This reflection is from the beginning of my healing journey this summer. My teacher created a personalized meditation just for me, which was completely unexpected. It felt incredible. Usually, I tend to zone out during meditations in group yoga classes, but since I was the only one who showed up that day, she wrote a meditation tailored specifically for me. It’s little things like these that are the best gifts on my journey!

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Yoga Natalie Rose Yoga Natalie Rose

My Happy Place

How many times in your life has someone asked you the question: “What’s your happy place?” I’ve been asked this question numerous times throughout my life. Whether it was an essay prompt in grade school or a therapist’s attempt to calm me down during my frequent panic attacks, I’ve often had to ponder my “happy place.” However, I never really had a clear answer, which made me feel like something was wrong with me.

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Yoga Natalie Rose Yoga Natalie Rose

Mornings on the Mat

I've been practicing yoga almost every morning. I either attend a scheduled group class or do yoga on my own in my cabin. It's been a great way to start my day, getting my body moving and helping me set my daily goals and intentions.

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“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

~ Henry David Thoreau