Chronicles of a young woman who left everything behind and moved to a little cabin in the countryside to regain the freedom she had in childhood.

Yoga Natalie Rose Yoga Natalie Rose

Being a Student of the World

I believe that there is something to learn from every experience and every person I meet. By being intentional in my actions, I have created the space to slow down, be a good listener, and absorb lessons I might have missed while rushing through life and participating in the daily grind.

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Dance Natalie Rose Dance Natalie Rose

“Me Too” - A Fun, Sassy, and Feminine Dance!

As someone who prefers to live in hiding, embracing my confidence is challenging. However, allowing myself to let loose in my dance classes helps me build confidence in all areas of my life! This is a fun dance to “Me Too” by Meghan Trainor.

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Yoga Natalie Rose Yoga Natalie Rose

The Art of the Breath: Preparing for Breathwork

The most powerful tool on my healing journey has been learning to control my breath. For years, my anxiety was so extreme that I could barely take even one deep breath! Now, I can sit for several minutes, calmly focusing on my breathing, and I can meditate for even longer periods as well.

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Strength / Tone Natalie Rose Strength / Tone Natalie Rose

“Bounce Back” Boxing Routine!

Boxing is one of the best cardio workouts for both emotional and physical fitness! It is a full-body workout in the form of high-intensity interval training. While you can use light weights, even just your body weight is enough to reap the benefits of boxing.

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Strength / Tone Natalie Rose Strength / Tone Natalie Rose

Exercises with Light Weights

Growing up as a dancer, I developed stronger legs compared to my arms, which became the weaker link. To address this, I have been focusing on building my arm strength. I don’t lift heavy weights; instead, I use smaller weights—10 lbs, 15 lbs, and 20 lbs—for toning purposes. This is from my 5am group tone class :)

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Yoga Natalie Rose Yoga Natalie Rose

A Meditation: Do Not Be Deceived By Evil

To the complex trauma survivors reading this: I have no doubt that you have faced difficult experiences and perhaps witnessed some of the world’s greatest evils. However, don't let evil deceive you. Goodness always triumphs over evil.

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“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

~ Henry David Thoreau